Welcome to @kpopachillean!

click here to know more about the page
FIRST. What is the term "achillean"?
Basically, achilleans are men who are attracted to men, exclusively or not.
This include non-binary people too.
More info about this term can be found in: achilleaninfo.carrd.co
SECOND. What is the intention of the page?
We want to attract an audience that likes men, whether they're really men who like men, non-binary or women, generally speaking, it's not very important, we just use mlm to make it easier to understand.We also do our best to bring good content and give visibility to mlm-focused artists (like onlyoneof).
Sometimes we tweet jokes, make pranks and ask silly questions. Don't take us too seriously when we do.
THIRD. About suggestions and NSFW conttent
Our DM are always open for suggestions, but we are not a kpop NSFW account, not even to feed fetishes with same-sex relationships, remember affection between two people of the same gender ≠ pornography.Please do not send +18 or fetish suggestions. Don't send minors either, as we want to protect them.
FOURTH. About deleting content
The most background check we do is age. We can't know if pics were taken by sasaengs, after strict dieting, if the idol is prejudiced or problematic in some way or the source of pics and videos. Therefore we cannot delete things after finding out. We can however give credit if you ask through DMs.
FIFTH. About being blocked
If you are homophobic, hate on idols for no reason (especially directed at their appearance), assume idols sexuality with ill intent, make qrts with graphic sexual content, expect our content to be heavily sexual, we will block you.
Don't forget to support artists who bring content or are openly LGBTQI+!!!